Saturday, February 11, 2017

Marriage Preparation

Advice for Marriage Preparation
After reading excerpts from the book How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk, I will give you advice on preparing for marriage.
There are many factors to consider while preparing for marriage. For those who are searching for someone to marry, be careful who you choose. You don’t want to be married to someone who is a jerk of a husband or wife. He or she will not treat you equally. Don’t just let the outward appearance deceive you. You need to know how he or she treats someone. Make sure they meet your personal needs, but also contribute to the relationship. Don’t ever change your personality to match with theirs. Just be who you are.

Getting To Know Each Other
Don’t be in a rush to get to know someone. It takes time. Date someone who is friendly to you and treats others with respect. See how your partner acts and treats you in various situations. Develop a deeper openness and have a variety of experiences with them. It’s always best to date in person rather than online because you won’t actually see their emotions and don’t know what they will do if one day when you’re with them. They could be cat-fishing you and pretending to be someone else. You should make sure to go on a secure dating website because there are crazy people out there who steal other people’s identity. After around a three month period is when you should go into depth when sharing things about yourself. Of course you need to be able to trust them.
Consider some of these questions when you are dating someone: Do they have similar interests? Are their energy levels comparable? Do they build good memories with you? How do they handle frustrations, stresses, and obstacles?

Anger and Frustration
Emotions can come out explosively while becoming critical and insulting to you. It’s wrong for a partner to express ownership over you. Just because you have some strong connection or attachment with them or you feel safe with them won’t make up for other negative things about them. If they threaten to leave you or end the relationship it’s probably a sign. You need to be with someone who treats you better and nicer. In the book How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk the author says “Good-hearted people have the greatest risk for staying in a relationship with a jerk.” Those of you who are struggling with these kinds of relationships should watch out for repeated cycles of verbal, mental, and physical abuse. It’s okay for you to forgive them, but if they continuously take advantage of these situations, something needs to change.    

In Conclusion

In preparing for marriage, search for a companion who treats you well. Be in a healthy relationship. When getting to know them, make sure your personalities are compatible, make sure you go to a secure dating website, and be aware of explosive personalities. Don’t rush to get married. Take your time. It’s worth it in the end to find the right person for you. 

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