Saturday, March 25, 2017


Parenting is important because parents can prepare and protect their children with the knowledge to know how to survive in this world. They shouldn’t use punishment and rewards to control their children. Children can rebel if parents push them over the edge. Natural consequences can be negative or a positive outcomes as children develop. Parent should teach their children about responsibility and respect them for their decisions they make.
Some parents use punishments and rewards to manipulate their children to get them to do what they want. The more the parents try to over-control their children, it won’t be as likely that they will have an influence on their children. Sometimes parents who feel like they failed as a parent when their children were younger try to make up for it by giving them gifts, money, and other things. It’s very disrespectful for parents to use awards to make their children feel better or to ease their guilt of what they did to their children. For example, a parent shouldn’t be buying them something as an apology. This shows the child that the parents don’t care about their feelings.
Children will rebel if their parents humiliate or mock them in public. Parents shouldn’t make all the decisions for their children if they are old enough to make their own choices. It will not teach the children to resolve their problems and they won’t get to learn how to handle the solution the correct way. If the parents are harsh while teaching their children a lesson, it won’t work because the children will feel inferior to their parents. The children will also be afraid to know what to say or do without disappointing their parents. When parents put lots of pressure on their children to do what they want them to do, the children sometimes stop listening and obeying them. This shows a lack of trust with the parent and the children won’t feel comfortable telling their parents anything. Children will also lose the ability to make decisions on their own because they didn’t get an opportunity to practice making choices for themselves.
Children will have many opportunities to make decisions for themselves and learn from their mistakes. It’s important for parents to make sure their children are not doing dangerous things to put their lives at risk. Parents can’t always rescue their children when they are struggling, and it can be difficult for the parents to see them suffer. The parents can provide support and convey confidence in their children. Sometimes, parents should not ever allow to their children to make extreme choices for themselves that can affect them in the long run. For example, parents allowing the child to stop going to school because he doesn’t like his classes.
Overall, parents can encourage their children in what they are doing well. They can respect the children’s decisions, even if the disagree themselves. Parents can express their appreciation as they see who their children become. This will help their children learn to take responsibility for their actions and will help them know of how to be successful. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Family Finances

Financial planning is important for families. A well thought out plan for family expenses can benefit them by preparing for the future, saving money wisely, and using a budget chart.  Financial consultants can help families manage their money.
Families can prepare for the future by making sure they make their payments on time. If they don’t pay their bills they will keep piling up, and the interest rates on credit cards go up around 15 % (or somewhere close to that). This means groceries that were once hundred dollars are going to be worth one hundred thirty-dollars in two years.
Therefore, the families should save their money wisely. The parents can teach their children about saving money. Children can learn to work, feel responsible, and be appreciated for their hard work. The families can learn how to prioritize what is more important, and what is not. If families are in debt, some things that aren’t necessary should be given up. For example, they could get rid of their cable to pay utility bills.
Families should use a budget chart to keep track of their expenses. The budget chart lets them decide how much money they can use per month. This allows them to be free from the risk of credit card debt. Families can feel less stress having control over the money. The parents can look forward to their retirement fund and know how much money they need to put away.  Families should consider preparing for unexpected emergency events.
Finally, families should be careful in selecting financial consultants. These consultants help individuals with their financial plans in retirement, insurance, savings, and investments. If families don’t understand how to manage their money very well, they can ask a financial consultant for help.

Families can prepare for a better financial future by saving money wisely, using a budget chart, and by asking financial consultants for help. If they do this, they can feel more secure as they stay on top of paying bills. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Communication and Mutual Problem Solving

Communication is one of the important skills we use to interact with each other. There can be times where someone may have trouble encoding their feelings or ideas to another person. Some may use nonverbal communication, which is body language, to interact with someone and hope the other person decodes the message. A person can decode what the messenger puts together for the intended idea, but sometimes people struggle to interpret each other’s communications.

When spouses talk to each other about how they are feeling or if they have problems, they may have a difficult time expressing what is bothering them because they are afraid of what the other person says. It is better if a husband and wife ask in the moment how each other feels. This can help decode the messages they are trying to send. If they wait, they will suppress the emotions. If you don’t tell the person how you feel, anger will keep building up. Communication is hard because no one wants to hurt the other person’s feelings by saying the wrong thing. If spouses can work together and help one another communicate this can make a significant difference in their relationship.

Single people that have problems with their roommates may have a difficult time communicating with them because of not knowing how to express their feelings very well. Their roommates may not understand why and resent them instead of showing sympathy and helping them interpret the message they’re trying to send. Some will be reluctant to use words because they want the other person to try to decipher the message.

It’s hard to communicate sometimes, but good things can happen if you tell them how you feel. The comfort level will go up, and you will trust them more. They will respect you as a person. There will be less conflict with each other. If you are good at communicating, you can succeed in your marriage, your job, and with your co-workers, friends, family, and roommates.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Family Stress and Coping

When families go through a stressful and hard times, it’s important for them to get all the help they need. In some cases, parents lose a child, a sibling rapes a younger sibling, a father is an alcoholic, a family loses a job, or a parent gambles all the families’ life savings away.  These kinds of things put stress on the family. Depending on the situation, not all families make it through crises very well. 
Things are not the same as they once were and may lead up to divorce.

If a family loses a parent from a medical condition, accident or an illness, it can be a painful time for them. There are ways they can deal with their crisis. They can be around extended family more and pray together. Everyone needs to be supportive with each other, and religious community members can help as well. In some cases people need to go to a family counselor to see a grief therapist. This type of therapist can help them resolve the problem and suggest ways of getting through it together.

Another kind of crisis is a change in family dynamics. For example, a mother may have to preside over the household or a father may run the home while the mother is deployed in Iraq. Divorce is also a significant change in family dynamics. Transitions can be a challenge for the children and parents.

Not everyone will have the same family crisis, and they may handle things differently. The family will need to be flexible and more responsible in helping each other out.