Saturday, January 28, 2017

Family Dynamics in Mexican Immigrants

Once the husbands immigrant to America, they leave the family behind, and the family dynamics change. Some mothers have to work full time which they earn less money and have to ask their relatives to take care of their children. Mothers have to take over the father's role by punishing and correcting their children more. Due to the changes in the family dynamics there is more stress in the marriage relationship and divorce can happen. One of the reasons why Mexican families move to America is to provide a better education for their children. The children who come to America that used to have an open communication with their family have to deal with being the middle person in translating. Parents should learn a second language to receive better jobs and not put their burden on the children to be the middle man translator.

1 comment:

  1. Mm... yes...
    Though Mexican fathers leave their families to work in the US to one day provide better lives for their families, specifically their children, I sympathize while holding the belief that more wisdom and better care and planning can be used when these families make decisions such as moving out of country. Families should seek guidance and knowledge and counsel with one another to determine what will be best for their future. Laws and restrictions as to passing over the national border exist for good reason, and financial circumstances that Mexican families face that may limit how many persons can travel across the border must again be dealt with according to the guidance of wisdom, planning and counseling. This is a land of freedom and opportunity, one in which is a privilege to dwell, and comes with a price for those who are not born here. I believe everyone who sincerely wants the blessings this great country has to offer should have a fair and equal chance to obtain them. It's not like we're out of room, sea to shining sea. However, this opportune land should be sought after by means of the correct and legal process.
